George Jeffrey Children’s Centre provides multi-disciplinary pediatric therapy services to children and youth with special needs in Thunder Bay and the surrounding region. Their team of professionals are enthusiastic, passionate about working with children and families and dedicated to providing quality care.
George Jeffrey Children’s Centre (GJCC) is a not-for-profit registered charity and paediatric outpatient health facility that offers health services to infants, children and adolescents from birth to – 19 years in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
The Request
The current site for GJCC was outdated, didn’t function properly on mobile and was difficult for employees to update. Information was also challenging to find. Shout Media provided full website development for George Jeffrey Children’s Centre based on client specifications. The design encompassed the broad scope of services George Jeffrey’s offers children and families with special needs to offer critical children’s health, wellness and clinical services, as well as information and resources. Shout Media’s approach ensured ease of access and clarity of information to users.
The Outcome
Shout developed a family-friendly, responsive site that directs users to impactful health resources and direct links to services at GJCC. Creating easy access for clients, their families, and other partner organizations was paramount to helping George Jeffrey Children’s Centre to meet the communication, developmental, and physical needs of children and their families for years to come.
Shout developed a modern, AODA-compliant website with a visually appealing look following the brand guidelines of George Jeffrey Children’s Centre. Significant improvements were made to the site map for a streamlined user experience. Shout Media trained the George Jeffrey Children’s Centre staff on the WordPress dashboard and backend.