Key Takeaways to Finish 2020 Strong

Thanks for joining us today! For those of you that missed our webinar, we talked about how businesses can aim to #finish2020strong with an intentional digital marketing strategy. Here are the key takeaways you can start implementing today:

Clean up and step up your online presence

    • Make sure your first online impression is a good one! Go through all your online platforms and clean them up: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google My Business, website etc. If you don’t use a platform, get rid of it.
    • Get positive reviews to build credibility with your audience. Plus, once you have reviews, you can leverage them as social proof and use them as content.
    • Think about the bigger picture before you throw content up online. Use campaigns and content calendars to tell a story, post consistently, and engage with the right people!
    • Boost organic content on your social platforms instead of running traditional ads – testimonials, reviews, completed projects, corporate culture, and behind the scenes are all great pieces of content.

Engage with your warm audience and sell them on what they love over the holidays and beyond

    • Narrow your focus for the holiday season. Don’t try to sell everything! Instead, decide what you will sell.
    • Identify your warm audience (i.e. people already engaging with you). Figure out who they are and how to reach them. Pro tip: once you know exactly who your warm audience is, reach out to look-a-like audiences.
    • Develop a marketing strategy to sell to your warm audience using social proof and organic content. If you share something that gets a ton of engagement on its own, put money behind it to boost it further.
    • Use remarketing to constantly engage with your warm audience. It usually takes 8 to 10 touch points to make a conversion!
    • Use email marketing as a way to engage with your customers without spending a lot of ad money. There are so many ways to use email marketing effectively instead of simply sending monthly emails. Build your funnels!

Don’t get complacent with your ads

    • Test and change the creative, captions, audience and ad placement regularly.
    • Don’t be afraid to try new things. Get creative with the content you put out there.
    • Leverage the Facebook Ads Manager instead of hitting the boost button on your Facebook page. You’ll see much better results when you use testing to hone into a specific audience.
    • Monitor and update your ad sets on a regular basis.
    • Turn off what isn’t working and move more of your budget into ads that are getting good results.

Now it’s time to put this advice into action and #finish2020strong!

That being said, we completely understand if you don’t have the time or the expertise to implement these strategies and that’s where we come in. We’ve got the tools, strategies, and expertise to create meaningful connections with your online audience and get you results.

Find out more!

Finish 2020 Strong